R&D&I Project
(2018/2021 )
EFFECT OF ACHIEVEMENT EMOTIONS ON THE TEACHING-LEARNING PROCESS AND UNIVERSITY STUDENTS´ HEALTH. (FINISH) Project Reference: PGC2018-094672-B-I00. University of Navarra, Pamplona (Spain), Ministry of Science and Education (Spain) and the European Social Fund.UAL18-SEJ-DO31-A-FEDER. University of Almeria (Spain), and the European Social Fund. |
INETAS English Version Versión Española |
«Project Impact» SPAIN Proyect Integrated in the International Network on Academic Stress Coordinator Dr. DE LA FUENTE ARIAS, Jesús |
1. Scientific-technical and/or socioeconomic impact
• Will provide empirical evidence to support the Competency Model for Studying, Learning and Performing under Stress® in academic contexts (SLPS Competency Model, de la Fuente, 2015), and the Theory of Self- vs. Externally-Regulated Learning® (de la Fuente, 2015), by including new meta-motivational/affective variables, highly current in this line of research (personality variables, positivity, personal strengths, achievement emotions and engagement during learning), through building a model of inferential and (structural) causal relations that allow us to accurately understand the role of the postulated variables in the design-development-product sequence, whether part of the teaching process or the learning process, in relation to experiences with stress when learning at university. • Will serve as the starting point for the future establishment of a National and International Excellence in Research Network on university teaching-learning processes, addressing dimensions of cognitive strategies as well as motivational-affective strategies, and producing studies with international impact among researchers from Spain, Latin America and other European countries.
• A new bilingual e-assessment tool (registered in the EU and patented in Latin America and the US) that will measure presage-process-product variables related to academic stress. This new e-assessment system will also help collect empirical information for improving the quality of university-level teaching and learning, with better coping in situations of academic stress, and will detect subjects at risk. • Development of a new version (v.2) of the utility e-Coping with Academic Stress® (de la Fuente, 2015) (registered in the EU and patented in the US), a bilingual interactive software application for intervention in university students. This instrument is an essential intervention strategy for improving motivational-affective strategies for self-regulation and coping, under stressful study situations. 2. Plan for knowledge dissemination and internationalization
• Each year we will produce at least three international articles of ISI impact, in JCR Journals (Q1: Learning and Individual Differences; Learning and Instruction; Journal of Educational Psychology; or Q2: Frontiers in Psychology, Stress and Coping). We will also publish three chapters internationally, with publishers that have medium to high impact (NOVA PUBLISHER, GLOBAL). Finally, we will propose two annual International Symposia (preferably by invitation) at annual meetings of APA (15th Division) and AERA; Dr. Jesús de la Fuente is a member of both. We will also publish international chapters through important publishers such as SPRINGER and NOVA (USA), who already request our work.
• We will publish an R&D&I Series on this working topic. The PI has prior experience: http://journal.frontiersin.org/researchtopic/5521/self-regulation-in-education-and-health